Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Here Comes Trouble!

Look out, Ben, here comes trouble! That's right, Nate is not even crawling but has started to cruise. He very well may be one of those kids who never crawls and goes straight to walking....early! Our soon-to-be 9-month-old has developed an obsession with standing up against the coffee table, the ottoman, on me, even against Ben's large Tonka truck and shopping cart. He is quite nosey and doesn't want to miss any of the action these days.

And with this new-found curiosity comes a whole new degree of sibling interaction: the "grab-your-toys-and-guard-them-with-your-life" kind of interaction that Ben has quickly adopted. Sharing has become a big part of our everyday routine. It sometimes seems like a lost cause when Ben once again grabs "his" toy from Nate, but I'm giving it time and just trying to reinforce this as much as possible for now.

In the meantime, Nate is so proud of himself when he is standing up and engaged in the activity. He was actually laughing aloud tonight when he was playing with all of the fake food on our coffee table. Something must have entertained him, unbeknowst to me, or else he was just overly excited to be entering this new phase of mobility.

Look, Ben, I can play with the Matchbox cars too! (as Ben plays in the background without yet noticing the new "intruder").

Caught red-handed in his older brothers's toys!

Look at me!

I can even do this one-handed!
Someone get me some toys...or get me down from here!