Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Thanksgiving this year was spent in New Jersey with my parents and brother. My future sister-in-law Chang, unfortunately had to take a trip to China to mourn the loss of her father so she was not able to be with us and we kept her in our thoughts and prayers all weekend.

We have so much to be thankful for this year: a great marriage, two beautiful children, our families and friends, our dog Barney, our new house we have been renovating and will soon move to, and most importantly for God's love and presence in our lives. We are abundantly blessed!

We grew up with the tradition of Tom Turkey visiting us on Thanksgiving morning so Nana and Pop have carried that tradition on for our boys. It works out well since the boys love the excitement and...Pop loves to buy chocolates for the kids :). Here are the boys in their matching truck pj's with Tom the Turkey himself! :)

Whoa! Tom the Turkey brought Ben the latest Hess truck this year. He received last year's model for Christmas and loves it so this was a pleasant surprise. Our entire ride home, Ben proceeded to point out all of the Hess gas stations we passed and exclaim, "Look! It's a Hess station! Truck comes from there!"

Nate getting a feel for his chocolate turkey. Our little "turkey" doesn't know that under the shiny foil is a real chocolate turkey. If he did, he wouldn't be wasting time smiling for the camera (being the chow-hound he is!).

Playing together after breakfast with Nate's snap beads. Note that they are Nate's gift but someone else is playing with them... Again, the sharing dilemma comes into play :).

Daddy and Nate doing some research on the Internet together while watching football on tv with the men (while Mommy and Nana cooked!).

The men watching football. Uncle Mike sums up how I feel about that activity :).

Nate cheers as a touchdown is made!

Poppy and Ben!

And let the eating begin! Nate ate more than his brother for sure at dinnertime but Ben's eating habits weren't too shabby when dessert came around. He had helped Mommy make a pumpkin and an apple crumb pie and was SOO proud of them!

Pop isn't too picky when it comes to dessert...

Nate and I enjoying some pie. Yum! Nothing like pumpkin pie for the holidays.

Ugh! Here's Andrew post-feast...and before loosening his belt! Boy, was the meal good...but so filling!

Nana and her littlest man Nate. What a big smiley guy he is, the little charmer! :)


Melissa said...

The Hess truck is a cool tradition. Every year, my grandparents always got my brother the Hess truck. 25 years later, he is still getting them!