Friday, January 08, 2010

2-month Pediatrician Appointment

My baby is two months old already; actually, she will be 11 weeks this coming Sunday and just this week went for her two-month check-up. I can hardly believe it! She has certainly had her challenges (key word here is sleep) but we have been enjoying her so much and truly cannot imagine our family without our sweet little miss :). She's an angel and we love her very much!

The past month or so has really shown some changes in Abigail's temperament and milestones. They say that the first six weeks are the most difficult and then the next six weeks you can feel as if you have a different baby on your hands entirely. This is defintiely the case with Abby. She went from being very colicky to smiling, cooing. loving a pacifier (when nothing would soothe her at all in the early weeks) and showing such interest in merely sitting in her swing or chair and watching her family. The boys just adore her and she certainly feels their love every waking minute (if she isn't totally overstimulated by their actions!).

Her pediatrician's appointment went very well. She received 5 shots so that was no fun, but she took them like a champ and today seems to be the day that the post-immunization crankiness has started to ebb (thank God!). She is reaching all of the typical milestones and her head control is exceptional, just like her brothers. This is thanks to being a tummy sleeper, I suppose. Below are her stats from the visit; she is much smaller than the boys were at her age:

Height: 23-1/2" (90th percentile)
Weight: 10 lbs. 6 oz. (40th percentile)
Head circumference: 14-3/4" (10th percentile)

So, yes, it appears that we have a tall, lanky girl with a small head in our house! Possibly a future ballerina or super model...or perhaps just the one who gets to stand next to the teacher in every class photo like her mom :). The doctor is going to keep an eye on her head since it is in the lower percentiles but since she is meeting all milestones and some people just happen to have smaller heads, she didn't seem concerned at all. We'll just pray that she has a small, dainty head and no other concerns.

We'll keep everyone posted over the next two months until Abigail's next doctor's appointment. We can't wait to see what the next few weeks have in store for our little girl!