Friday, January 28, 2011

Snow Day!

We've had A LOT of snow this winter in PA, at least it seems that way.  This past week we were hit with part of the noreaster that moved up the east coast and had about 15-18 inches overnight.  Even Andrew was impressed, in all of his Buffalo upbringing!   It was incredibly windy and we even had snowthunder, which was a first for me.  I had never heard it before and it was really neat.

Our kids have never liked playing in the snow too much, especially Ben, but this year they have decided to brave it and we all headed outside.  The boys got snowballers and snow castle block makers for Christmas so they have really enjoyed using them, as well as the kiddie sized shovels that I found for them at the supermarket.  So out we go....

30 minutes getting everyone all bundled up.  This is going to be fun!  A blast!...
Nate loves it...Abby, uh, not so much.   
Ben helps shovel and loves it! 

Abby, uh not so much.  10 minutes later, here's her preferred seat to the snowtube.  Happy and munching on some Goldfish, watching her dad and brothers play outside! "Hi!"