Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Sitting Up!

Yesterday marked Benjamin's first true "sitting up" feat. He has been doing it for a few seconds for the past few weeks but was finally able to keep himself balanced for over a minute a number of times yesterday afternoon. He is still wobbly and needs to work on his balance but he's a determined little guy so we're sure he'll be sitting up for longer periods of time very soon. Right now, we are so proud of him since at just under five months old he is a bit on the young side to be sitting on his own!

Here he is working up his energy to attempt to sit up on his own. He's laying on his new favorite toy, his big floppy "Otis the Dog" stuffed friend. He loves to lay on it, chew on its head, and even spit up on it if Otis is really lucky :).

Hooray! Sitting up and still managing to play with his toys while doing it!!


Oh no, getting wobbly...

He's down!...

Right over onto his tummy to try again. We can't keep this little guy still nowadays!

Resting up for another try...


Nana and Pop said...

Ben's a genius! Liz, you were
4 1/2 months old also when you first sat up. I can still remember how proud of yourself you were! He looks adorable and like he's having a great time acting like a big boy! Nana loves you, Ben!