Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Playing Hard

Lately, Ben has really been a funny little guy to be around. He's become quite nosey, imitates and laughs at funny faces we make for him, and just plain babbles constantly. Between the loud raspberries he blows and his excited squeals of delight, he definitely draws attention to himself whenever we go into a store! Here he is blowing a raspberry at me while he ignores all of his own toys and shows a clear fascination for the water bottle I got free at work (why do we buy him toys again??):

His sitting has become more and more stable and he is now able to sit unsupported for very long periods of time while we play. This morning he did have his first "accident," though, when he tried to turn too far to the side while sitting and fell backwards onto the carpet. He bumped his head (lightly) but scared himself so much that the sad little quivering lip we haven't seen on him for quite some time now returned as he bawled. Poor little guy :( but he was fine the second I picked him up! Here he is squealing and blowing raspberries (wish I could post audio clips) as he plays with my water bottle:

And here he is showing some interest in his new Drop and Roar Dinosaur that Daddy couldn't resist buying him last weekend. He loves to watch the lights and listen to the music:

Finally, here is a picture of Ben stopping mid-play to "do his business"...ha ha! It's so cute how serious he gets and I found this picture even funnier because the outfit he has on is very large so it's really baggy on him and is just gaping at the neckline. It's tough to find clothes that fit him really well since he's tall and thin. Cute little guy!


alizashana said...

You inspired me to give Zachary an old water bottle. I swear he playecd with it all by himself in one spot for 30 minutes.