Friday, November 24, 2006

Some New Firsts for Benjamin

The past two weeks or so has marked a multitude of "firsts" for Benjamin - crawling, sitting up from laying down, officially pulling himself up, and really drinking from a sippy cup. He's discovering more and more every day and it's amazing to see all of the new things he is starting to do lately. I just can't believe that soon my baby will be walking and talking!

Today I captured some of these firsts on camera as Ben tried out some of his newly discovered activities. Here he is crawling. This new method of transportation is still not favored over scooting and right now he has to really be enticed by something to exert the energy to crawl to it. But, he is getting more comfortable with it every day and no doubt he will soon he moving all over the place.

Getting all ready for the big trip over to that red star toy. Ben will sometimes get on all four and then sit back down again numerous times before he finally takes off crawling. It's funny to watch him get so serious as he comtemplates using this new form of mobility.

Now he just needs to get that leg out from under himself...

Aaaand....he's off! (as Barney apparently does a diaper check for me!)

Enough of this crawling business for today! Ben usually still reverts to scooting once he is close enough to the object he's trying to reach. Right now he will usually only take 2 or 3 crawling "steps" forward at a time before giving up.

Now that he has his toy, he's back up on all fours and about to sit himself back down.

Well, if Barney doesn't get him first, that is!!

Pulling up is another favorite new feat and although he is not pulling himself to a standing postion while leaning on a table or ottoman yet, he does pull himself up on his knees and has actually gotten close to standing while pulling up on me.

Here's Ben pulling up on his Drop and Roar Dinosaur, one of his favorite toys.

Here he is squealing with delight when he is up and finally able to spin those fish on top of the toy to his heart's content!

The little ham realizes I'm taking photos and decides to pose for me, all on his own accord!

Victory! Nothing like a rubber fish to chew on as reward for mastering a new trick...

Finally, after close to two months of trying, Ben has finally taken to a sippy cup somewhat. I have been trying to get him used to it since mid-September by letting him play with it enpty, filling it with diluted juice to try to entice him to take a sip and by showing him how to use it but he had absolutely no interest in it. Until today! He seems to have finally got the knack of it and now realizes that the juice inside is worth the extra work he has to do to sip it out. I've now graduated to one of those moms who carries Cheerios AND a sippy cup in the diaper bag at all times!