Friday, June 29, 2007

Merrymead Farm

This morning Ben and I went to Merrymead Farm with three other moms and babies in his playgroup. Merrymead is a local dairy farm (very "Pennsylvania" as those of you out-of-staters would say). It has homemade ice cream, fresh dairy products and baked goods, flowers, fresh fruit and veggies and a small variety of farm animals to watch. We let the kids walk through the farm area this morning and then went for a snack. I was laughing at snacktime because of all the fresh muffins, ice cream, etc. in the shop, Ben made a b-line for the bags of Pepperidge Farm Goldfish and walked up to me with a bag of his favorite variety in hand!

Here's Ben at the entrance. All of the babies in this playgroup are just around Ben's age so now that they are all walking - and scattering off in different directions - the moms had to make sure we took the last "rule" on this sign seriously and left with as many kids as we started with!

Ben and Julia exploring the mural and then below Caroline joins in and explores too.

Old McDonald had a farm. Here are some of the animals that we saw today, starting with Ben's favorite - cows!

Ben and Julia explore the cows together and below that Ben and Caroline watch the calves.

Ben and Caroline really enjoyed the peacock too.

Walking! Ben walks most of the time now but is still a bit cautious when he is outside on uneven terrain. He did okay today, though, on the pebbles, and is getting better each time he is outside. Soon he will be running around outside as quickly as he does inside!

Ben and Olivia. Ben was a ladies' man today with three girls to take pictures with.

Ben loves his milk and has a big, growing tummy to prove it! How funny that the chart says he is about 2 feet tall?! He's actually about 32-1/2 inches tall now so he must have just been standing a bit too far away for the proper height to register.

Introducing the moms club: Roberta with Caroline (17 months).

Nicole with Julia (18-1/2 months).

Kiera with Olivia (17 months).

Me with Ben (15 months).