Thursday, April 10, 2008

Matching PJ's

Nathaniel and big brother Ben received pairs of matching alligator pajamas from Ben's girlfriend Caroline's family last week and since it is so nice out today, they were able to wear them tonight. Here they are posing in their matching bed clothes right after their baths tonight and just before going to sleep.

I usually don't post photos that are so similar to each other but I thought Ben's expressions in each were really cute and warranted their own space on the blog. Of course Nate's wild hairdo deserves some time on the blog as well. It's at its best just after a bath. My dad calls him Rod Stewart or says he looks like a little kiwi fruit :).


Anonymous said...

I had to LOL when I saw those pictures. In the second one down, it even looks like Nate's sporting an earring, so he really looks like Rod Stewart! So cute (of course, I'm totally prejudiced!)

Love, Nana