Monday, September 14, 2009

33- Week Ultrasound

This morning I went for what will probably be my second to last ultrasound for this pregnancy. Hooray! I am 33 weeks along now and everything looks good. The baby is measuring at 33 weeks 4 days and I am 33 weeks 1 day, so that is considered perfectly normal (49th percentile); the diabetes has not affected the baby's size at all to this point. She is in the downward position and weighs just over 4-1/2 lbs. at this point. And, she appears to have a lot of hair (big surprise there!). So we'll get those barrettes ready :). Supposedly, she has a slightly larger head than average (about 60th percentile) so hopefully that won't cause any problems but they didn't think so. The pictures of her face we got today resemble Ben a lot (to me, at least, and in that strange, alien-like sonogram way so this may not at all be true in actuality!). I will try to scan some of the ultrasound photos tonight if I remember to ask Andrew to help me get the scanner hooked up again. I have one more ultrasound scheduled for mid-October, when I will be 37 weeks.

I am doing fairly well, too. I have the usual pregnancy woes such as awful heartburn/reflux, some major leg cramps, some pressure and aches, but nothing out of the ordinary. I'm on some stronger medication for the reflux now and it seems to be helping somewhat. Just waiting these last few weeks for the little miss to arrive!