Friday, November 19, 2010

Close to Walking

We're getting close to walking around here!  I'm not holding my breathe since the boys were such late walkers (15 and 17 months), but Abby certainly shows more of a desire to walk and stand by herself than either of her brothers ever did.  Guess she needs to keep up with the comedy duo!!

She has been loving our walking toys lately and just loves walking all around the house with them.  She's still prone to applying too much pressure, which causes most of these toys to tip over, but this Parents Magazine one we have is awesome in that respect.  It's so heavy that it is very difficult to tilt over, so she can press down as hard as she needs to without it causing her to topple over.  Look proud she is of herself!

Our pretty girly cruising around the family room.  She's into EVERYTHING now that she is on the go!  Just wait until she no longer has to lean up against the furniture for support and has two free hands to get into trouble - ha ha!

Poor girl gets such bad eczema on her chin in the late fall/winter.  It was the same thing last year so we lived on Aquaphor from November through January.  It doesn't seem to hurt her and we try to keep it moisturized but it's so sad looking to me :(.  Of course the excessive drooling from teething and the obsession with sticking her tongue out lately doesn't help the situation either!! :)