Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Suddenly it's holiday time again!  I can hardly believe it; it feels like we just baked Thanksgiving pies and started to decorate the house for Christmas last year and now, once again, that time of year is upon us.  Earlier this week, as we prepared to go over the river and through the woods to Nana and Pop's house, the kids and I did some baking for all of the desserts and treats that we were bringing for the big Thanksgiving feast.   We made a pumpkin pie, an apple pie, turkey cookies and a pumpkin cranberry nut coffee cake.  Yum!  And how sorry for our scales that we ate all of them :)

Being that the turkey cookies are decorated with mini M&Ms and candy corn, they were, by far, the most popular treat to help bake.  Much more fun to make than regular baked goods!  Nate helped me to roll and cut out the actual sugar cookies while Ben was at school and then Ben was the biggest helper in decorating them during his quiet time while the younger siblings napped.  Nate and Abby helped finish up the decorating and then we all tasted them once they were finished.  Yummy!

As Natey rolled and cut his own ball of dough with mini cookie cutters, he informed me that my tools were just like the Play Doh ones!

Benjamin had such a fun time decorating the cookies.  He meticulously counted piles of seven candy corn and enjoyed placing them in patterns according to their colors (we had candy corn and caramel corn). 

Here's Abby playing with a can of decorating gel while she "helped" us decorate our turkeys.

Ta-da!  The finished gobblers... 
Thanksgiving day at Pop and Nana's house....we opted for the blue color scheme this year, based around the adorable smocked dress that Pop and Nana bought for Abby while on vacation this summer in Cape Cod. 

Brotherly love!  Get me outta here!!!!  Abby now says "Beh" for Ben and "Ne-Ne" for Nate.
Mike and Chang were with us for the day.
Finally, ending our photoshoot with some pictures of Abby in her pretty blue dress, since she's our only little subject who will sit still and smile for the camera!  Don't you love her turkey bow?