Monday, September 04, 2006

Techie Jr.

This morning Andrew introduced Benjamin to the world of electronics when he had his first real look at our home theater. Andrew had taken Ben into the theater when he first came home from the hospital to "show him the ropes" around our house, but today was his first real interaction with it.

We LOVE Roger Hargreaves' Mr. Men and Little Miss series of books and often refer to Ben as Mr. Grumpy or Mr. Fussy whenever he is having a bad day. When we discovered that there is a web site dedicated to this series of adorable cartoons, we showed it to Benjamin on the regular computer and he was instantly attracted to the bright, flashing colors and cheery music. So, today we put his favorite web site on the 100" screen in the theater and he was mesmerized! Hopefully many of you remember the Mr. Men and Little Miss books from childhood, but for those of you who do not, here's the web site and a photo:

Like father, like son, here is Benjamin hogging the TIVO remote as he watches the Mr. Men gang onscreen.

Here he is playing XBox 360 (or pondering an attempt at eating the remote for that matter!)

"Oh, I hate losing!" says Ben as he throws a temper tantrum (really, there were just too many photos taken for his liking!)...