Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Andrew's "Pre-birthday" Weekend

Wow, do I feel like a bad blogger! The blog has been giving me problems for close to two weeks so I have not been able to upload photos until today. I apologize to all of my devoted blog-watchers for the delay. Although Andrew's birthday has now passed, these photos were taken two weekends ago when his dad and Cheri came to visit us to celebrate Andrew's 29th.

Here's Ben with his newest congressional campaign advertising that his Grandpa G and CC brought for him. We'll have to look into this "Ben" who is running for office in New York someplace :). I guess Ben takes after his dad who is the "mayor" of our development's Association board!

Here are a few photos of us as Andrew opens his handyman birthday gift, which Cheri decorated a la Bob the Builder!! Ben seemed to enjoy the Bob paraphernalia, especially the plastic hammers that decorated the outside of the package.

Of course Ben got a few "birthday" presents for Andrew's birthday and one of them was a tee-shirt that says "Grandpas are like dads without rules." Hmmm...I wonder who picked that one out!?!? Here's a family photo of Andrew, Ben and me, and also some photos of Ben sporting his new tee-shirt with his G and CC (please mind anything that resembles drool on the baby's shirt...it's an illusion. Seriously.)

Everyone had a fun time feeding Ben some of the newest solid foods that he has been trying. Yum, he loves those things that we'd think babies would never like such as avocado and split peas! Here he is "wearing" his sweet potatoes and bananas as his Grandpa feeds him:

Ben likes to "help" us feed him most of the time, which never makes for a neat dining experience!

Finally, Cheri and I took Ben to his favorite playground on Sunday for a walk and some time on the swings so here's a photo of him all smiles. I forgot to take off his dressy church clothes beforehand so he looks a little dapper for a day in the park :)