Tuesday, September 05, 2006

First Trip to the Zoo

After spending quite some time yesterday morning racking our brains for a fun way to spend Andrew's day off from work, I logged on to our friends Todd and Aliza's blog and saw that they had just taken their son to the zoo. Outlet shopping or going into Philly for the day just didn't sound like much fun for Benjamin so the zoo seemed like an ideal way for us to spend the Labor Day holiday as a family.

We went to a small local zoo called The Elmwood Park Zoo and Benjamin saw his first "wild" animals from flamingoes and prairie dogs to bison and jaguars. He gave all of them his "Barney stare" where he looks at them in utter fascination and occasionally smiles and gets excited when the animals approach or let out a strange noise. Andrew wore the Baby Bjorn so Ben could have a better look at the critters and I was photographer for the day and got some cute photos of the two boys.

Helping Dad read the map to figure out where to go next:

Looking at the foxes:

Checking out the bison and elk; these really caught his attention since they are so large and therefore difficult to overlook (okay, maybe I should have taken a photo of the animals here and not just Andrew and Ben!):

Posing in the Butterfly Gardens...what a handsome butterfly!

Finally, here I am acting silly and posing as a butterfly myself!


alizashana said...

I am glad that we inspired you to go to the zoo. These blogs are so wonderful to keep each other posted and get some ideas. Looks like you had a lot of fun. Ben looks especially cute in the butterfly picture. He is so smiley!
Aliza, Todd and Zachary