Wednesday, July 23, 2008

First Haircut

After not quite 4-1/2 months, it was finally time for Nathaniel to have his first haircut. I couldn't bring myself to bring such a little guy to a salon so I did it myself at home. Ben had his first haircut at 4 months as well. I suppose these hairy guys are the reason why my heartburn is so godawful during my pregnancies, starting in first trimester!

The finished product:

Wow, look at all of that hair Mommy cut off of my head!


Anonymous said... little man. He looks so cute and looks like he had a good time being fussed over by his mommy!

Love, Nana

grandpa g and cc said...

ooooh how handsome you look little Nate...and Mommy is a very good hair stylist!!! Can't wait to see you this weekend!! Love, CC XXXOOO

Mike and Chang said...

Nate looks so coooool with his long hair, but he certainly is a handsome boy with short hair.

alizashana said...

Very cute! You four may be the busiest family I know. I loved the Bronx Zoo pictures and reference to high school biology.