Saturday, February 06, 2010

Snow Day!

We didn't get pummeled with snow as badly as they did further south of us, but we did get our fair share between yesterday and earlier today when it was coming down fast and furious. I'd say we got about 10 inches of snow, which makes for a fairly significant plow job for Andrew and lots of powdery white stuff for the boys to go outside and have fun in.

Or so I thought. The excitement all morning of being able to go out into the snow reached a record high around lunchtime when we announced we'd all go out together when Abigail went for her afternoon nap. So, after about 20 minutes of putting on layers, zipping up boots and snowsuits and making sure hats, gloves and mittens were all on, we headed outside. What we heard was an awful lot of whining about being wet or cold or not being able to stand up straight or about not wanting to go for a sleighride. Etc, etc. So, needless to say, our time outside wasn't too long and once we were inside having our hot chocolate, all warm and cozy, they were talking about how much fun they had outside. Guess they had on their rose-colored glasses for that adventure! :) Even so, I managed to capture a few good shots:

Nate, looking like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man!

Benjamin with the carrot we brought outside in hopes of building a snowman, only to find that the snow was too powdery to form balls. Maybe next time! Throwing the carrot and watching Barney try to dig it up out of the snow certainly made up for not being able to construct our very own Frosty :).

Nate going for a sleigh ride with Daddy, as he takes a break from plowing to play in the snow with the fam. Benjamin refused to go for a sleigh ride, but Nate seemed to enjoy it.


Barney and the sleigh. He hasn't been doing too well lately - hasn't been eating very much, whines a lot, has a lot of accidents around the house, just seems very sad and mopey, and all of this is on top of the seizures he started having regularly a few months ago - so it was good to see him running around and acting like his old self while outside.

Finally, here is a picture of Daddy after pulling Nate on the sleigh around and around and around the yard