Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Bathtime and Cribtime

After a busy morning and to help combat the cradle cap that Benjamin has recently developed, I deviated from our usual schedule and gave him a bath in the middle of the afternoon today, hoping to relax him and get rid of some of his flakes. It seemed to do both only temporarily but we had a fun time taking some photos regardless!

Here's the little guy cuddling up in his fluffy towel. He's starting to enjoy being naked more and no longer screams when he has his bath. In fact, he even seems to enjoy bathing now, which we thought would never happen...

All done!...

Ben has also really been working his neck muscles lately and has recently developed a new trick where he pushes up to 90 degrees while on his tummy and "rolls over" (a.k.a. falls over to the side). Here are some photos of him in his crib, enjoying the surrounding Alphabet Soup animals and letters on his bedding. Sometimes he smiles at the animals while he is looking at them :)...