Monday, May 29, 2006


Benjamin has been kicking and squirming his legs like a pro for the past few weeks so today we decided to put his energy to work by setting up his Deluxe Jumperoo. We also set up Ben's Baby Einstein exersaucer but he is still a little short for this one and can't quite reach the floor. We have to wait another few weeks for him to grow into that one. In the meantime, our basement has been invaded with two of the largest toys a baby could ever *need*!

The Jumperoo worked out since it has springs on the sides that allow it to bob up and down as Ben kicks his legs so he is able to just about reach the ground if we put it on the shortest setting. At first he didn't really know what to do in this "big boy toy" but after a few minutes he figured it out and was having a ball! Benjamin definitely held his head steady the entire time and was having a fabulous time kicking his legs up and down. He looks like such a cute, short little man in it that we just had to take some photos!

Just about touching his toes:

Testing it out...a little wobbly...not too certain yet:

Exploring all of the brightly colored toys as he moves up and down: