Friday, May 19, 2006

Post Pediatrician Storytime

Today Benjamin went to the pediatrician for his two month check-up and had his first round of immunization shots. What a sad experience for us both, especially me :(. Otherwise, we had a great appointment and Benjamin is definitely a growing boy! At 8-1/2 weeks he is 25 inches long (97th percentile), 12 lbs. 13 oz. (75th percentile) and his head is 15-1/2 inches around (45th percentile). No wonder many of his clothes have seemed short on him lately!!

Afterwards he was feeling a little down and was sort of cranky for the rest of the afternoon so tonight we tried to really calm him down with a soothing bath followed by his first official bedtime story. He actually seemed to be interested in Spot going to the farm and watched the pages as Andrew read to him. Here's a sweet photo of the two of them. Hopefully by starting early he'll become a bookworm like his mom!


Nana and Pop said...

We need more pictures of Ben! Pop and I are getting depressed without any new pictures! Love from Nana