Friday, October 20, 2006

Gymboree Fridays

Ben has been enjoying his Gymboree class more and more every week and actually has not been getting cranky halfway through lately. Here are just a few cute photos from today's session:

Ben in an activity boat/rocker with one of his girlfriends, Caroline. Ben and Caroline already have tons in common such as thick heads of hair, needing to wear a bib at all times, and just this week, both getting their first teeth!!! Of course neither of them will show us their little pearly whites but both myself and Caroline's mom Roberta can attest to the fact they have both been crankier than ever this week. Ben now has two teeth that have broken through on the bottom and the gums surrounding two of his top teeth are white and puffy so they look like they will be coming in soon, too. Photos to follow once I can actually get Ben to keep his mouth open long enough for a photo shoot :).

Ben loves playing with these colored Gymboree balls. Each child gets his own ball to mouth each week (yes, they are disinfected after every class, to all of you microphobes out there!). He loves these balls so I may need to invest in a package of them once our class is over since (of course) they are for sale.

For about half of the class each week, the babies get free time to explore all of the different equipment that Gymboree has. There are ramps to practice crawling, slides, tubes to play in, and these large exercise balls to strengthen the leg and back muscles to make sitting, crawling and walking easier. Here's Ben doing "baby situps" with his instructor, Miss Nora.