Monday, October 23, 2006

Hangin' with the Boys

With a few exceptions, almost all of our friends who have recently had babies have had baby boys. This will make for lots of playmates for Ben when all of these babies start interacting with each other a bit more. They may seem far apart in age now but most of them are really only a few months apart so this will seem like nothing in a few years.

Today Ben and I had the chance to visit with so many of these boys at both my friend Nicole's house - she had a group of women I used to work with over for lunch with our babies and every one of them was a baby boy - and at our friends Dave and Barb's house. I made them dinner since Barb just had their baby boy last week.

Here's a photo of Ben and the other little guys at Nicole's house, hanging out in their infant seats. (l-r): Griffin McClatchy - 2 months, Ben - 7 months, Xander Hoishik - 5 months, and Evan Frederick - 4 months. Also there but not in the photo is Justin Frederick - 3 years.

Here Ben does what he does best lately - tries to put whatever crosses his path into his mouth. Poor little Evan's sneaker was Ben's latest victim. "Boy, would that taste good," thinks Ben. "Too bad I knocked it to the ground!"

Big brother Justin intervenes and tries to protect Evan's shoes by putting them back on his baby brother's feet despite Ben's efforts to do otherwise. Mom Jessica says that Justin is just like his dad in that he likes things in order at all times and so one shoe on and one off just doesn't cut it!

"No, Ben. Shoes stay on the feet, any big boy knows that!"

Our next stop was the Roque household where Ben was introduced to Baby Nicholas, who was born just over a week ago. Ben's heard rumors that Nicholas is trying to move in on some of his little girlfriends, so Ben had to get a look at this new kid on the block for himself!

Eyeing him up. "Oh, I get it now...he's the short, dark, and handsome type. I better keep an eye on this guy from now on, especially around my little girlfriends! You know what they say about guys in blue sleepers..."

"He may be cute, but I can be cute myself...and I can sit up AND I have two teeth (that I won't show anyone). Ha, take that, Nicholas!"

Here's a photo of the new family - Barb, Nicholas, and David Roque. In keeping with the current trend among our friends' babies (Ben included), Baby Nicholas looks a lot like his dad, doesn't he? :) What a happy family!