Friday, December 22, 2006

Dinner and Bath

Tonight was bath night so I let Ben go to town with his dinner and eat one of his favorite meals, albeit one of the messiest: pasta with meat sauce. I make elbow macaroni for him so he is able to easily feed himself without me having to cut it up for him and he loves it. So, I stripped him down to his undershirt to try to salvage today's outfit and watched him go!

Yummy! We particularly enjoy watching him stuff an entire fistful of food into his mouth at once (well, whatever gets there and doesn't end up in his lap, that is...).

Next stop is the bathroom. We'll usually undress Ben in his room and then let him crawl around au natural in the bathroom while the tub fills. Here, he is watching the water run, just as he usually does.

Ah, the favorite pastime: the bath. Ben could romp in the tub for hours if his little body didn't get cold after a little while of being in the water. This could be due to the fact that he leans out of his tub and splashes around so much that the water level drops quite steadily!

Barney always keeps us company when it's bathtime. His head rests on the side of the tub the entire time Ben splashes around.

He doesn't seem to mind being splashed every so often if it means he gets to drink the soapy water. Seriously! It's like we don't give our dog water or something. He has a full bowl downstairs but prefers the warm bath water!

Ben loves to play with Barney in the tub and will stop what he is doing every few minutes to "pet" (aka slap) Barney's face. We are still working on being "gentle" with animals. Soon! In the meantime, Barney doesn't seem fazed...