Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Alright, I admit it - I'm guilty of giving Ben one of his Christmas gifts already. I couldn't help it! He's only a baby and will never know that he is receiving it a week and a half early, right? Well whatever the case, Ben is now the proud owner of a Leap Frog Learn and Groove table and spent the last forty-five minutes playing with it. This table is hilarious - it has all sorts of functions to handle and plays some jazzy blues music whenever something is touched. Maybe this will entice Ben to finally want to dance (unless he's like his dad and then he will still not want to dance when he's nearly 30 years old!).

Here are Ben and his two girlfriends Caroline (front) and Olivia at a playgroup yesterday playing with Olivia's Leap Frog table:

And here's Ben with his own table this afternoon after Santa stopped by and left it under the tree for Ben while he napped. He is standing really well now and can hold himself up for a long time before he starts to freak out when he realizes that he doesn't know how to sit back down yet!