Friday, December 29, 2006

Professional Christmas Photos

Christmas coincided with Ben turning nine months old so I took him for some professional photos at JC Penny. We opted not to do a Santa photo this year since Ben doesn't even know about Santa yet and many babies tend to be afraid of the big bearded guy! Next year...

We had been taking Ben for professional photos every month for the first six months of his life but decided that we will do it every three or six months going forward since every month seemed like an overkill (as much as we love getting Ben's photos taken!). We've tried a number of places and really like Penny's the best -they always have openings when you call to make an appointment, stick to your appointment time when you arrive, have good service and are reasonably priced. So, I dressed Benjamin up in his Christmas sweater and khakis and took him in for a photo shoot a few weeks ago. They took lots of photos but these four are the ones we liked the best.