Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Big Bird

So tonight we met a big celebrity....Big Bird! We found out that he would be at one of the local Pizza Huts so I took the kids there for dinner with one of my playgroups to meet him. Seriously, they both were amazed. Ben's jaw literally dropped when he first saw him. He kept talking to him and really was excited to see his Sesame Street buddy (although this photo seems to belie me since he looks absolutely terrified in it!!). Of course when Big Bird first came over, I asked Ben what he wanted to tell his big yellow friend and Ben just looked him square in the face and said "Ben loves Elmo, Cookie and Zoe!" Poor yellow bird, always second best! :) Ben made up for himself by later telling Big Bird that he loves him, too, and that he made a Big Bird craft at his birthday party!

Nate just stared at Big Bird the entire time, this being his first interaction with one of these characters. He didn't know what the heck this "thing" was, apparently, as you can see from the photos.

"What the heck is this thing, Mommy??" says Nate...

..."I have a feeling he's behind me again!!"


Melissa said...

I LOVE the expression on Nate's face when Big Bird is behind him! Too cute!