Saturday, March 20, 2010

Curious George: Live!

Today Andrew and I planned a special day out with our two BIG boys to celebrate their birthdays this month. We like to use about half of the amount we budget for birthday gifts for the kids on a fun family activity that we can do together, and when we saw that Curious George: Live! was coming to our area we couldn't resist. Especially since he was appearing at Stabler Arena at our very own alma mater, Lehigh University.

So, we had our babysitter come and watch Abigail for the day and we headed out at lunchtime with the boys. Our first stop was lunch at McDonald's (on request!) and then we headed to Bethlehem for the show.

What a fun time we all had, especially Ben and Nate. Nate kept pointing to the stage, saying "George! Up there!" and Ben kept asking where "Yellow Hat" was, whenever The Man with the Yellow Hat would leave the stage. Both boys asked why we didn't bring Abigail a few times but even so, they seemed to really enjoy having a special day out with us alone so that we could focus on them and not worry about taking care of the baby. It was such a fun family day for all of us!

Here are a few pictures from the actual show.

Here's little Nate watching the show quite intently.

Here's Benjamin with a cheesy smile, eating their treat for the afternoon, cotton candy!

Finally, a family photo of the four of us and below that Andrew and the boys. I think my camera was on the wrong setting when the family one was taken since it is blurry. Of course it is, why wouldn't it be? This always happens to the nice family photos when everyone is looking, Murphy's Law :).

Happy Birthday to our two birthday boys, we had such a good time celebrating with you today! :)


Mike and Chang said...

They're wearing the shirts!! How handsome!

Melissa said...

That camera setting thing always happens to me too, Liz! And of course right at the time you want the best photo :( Oh well! It looks like a fun time!!