Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Abigail's 6-Month Pediatrician Appointment

Abigail had her six-month appointment at the pediatrician this morning. I can't believe she is in the second half of her first year already! :) She really is doing well and starting to get into things now that she is becoming more mobile. She's like a little person now - laughing, "talking," rolling all over the place, trying to crawl, watching everything around her. She has been eating solid foods for about a month now and is just waiting to get her hands on finger foods...but first we have to wait for some teeth to pop through :). She lunges towards our plates at mealtime and tries to grab cereal, pasta, anything she can!

Our biggest concern from the 4-month check-up was her tiny head (4th percentile). They wanted to monitor her to make sure it is continuing to grow. And, thank God, this is no longer a concern since she grew close to 1.5" and is now in the 25th percentile. The doctor said that she is meeting all of her milestones and likely just has a smaller head. This doesn't surprise me, actually, since my head is oval-shaped, my mom has a small head and Andrew's mom also had a long, thin face. I think she is taking after the rest of the women!

Our biggest "concern" now is that Abigail has a bit of eczema on her arms and legs but it has been here since before she started food and is not exacerbated by a change in diet. So, we will keep an eye on it and in the meantime, apply lots of lotion. She is fair and likely will outgrow the eczema for the most part.

Here are the stats for our tiny little girl. What a peanut!

Height: 25-1/4 inches (50th percentile)
Weight: 13 lbs. 6 oz. (12th percentile)
Head circumference: 16.5" (25th percentile)

She had 4 immunizations today and is now peacefully napping as a result. Ahh, I love days that they get the shots. My kids are always sleepy from them instead of cranky, as some kids get. Until the 9-month check-up...


Lisa said...

Ian had horrible excema on his cheeks and legs and elbows. What helped us is eucerin cream every night, and if it got really red is hydrocortisone cream over the counter...I think 1%. Just a dab on the red spots. He seems alot better now with the warmer weather..!